What will it take till you believe in me

Pattern: Just a plain ol’ garter stitch scarf
Yarn: Baby Bee Dreamy Chenille (90% polymide, 10% acrylic), Carousel colorway
Needles: U.S. 10 1/2 wooden straights (custom-made)

A few weeks ago, Cady Gray came out of her room to ask for something after bedtime. I was knitting my Clapotis. “Is that a scarf?” she asked. “Is it for me?” When I said it wasn’t, her face crumpled. I promised to knit her a scarf in her favorite color — rainbow — and the very next day we went to Hobby Lobby to pick out the yarn.

We got six or seven different kinds of multicolored yarn off the shelves, and this is the one she picked: a bulky chenille in colors one might describe as more fluorescent than rainbow. Pretty much every color you’d want in a highlighter is somewhere in there — blue, pink, yellow, green.  Yarn Bee and Baby Bee are the Hobby Lobby store brands.  The hardest part was putting all the other selections back up on the shelves.

I got started on a garter stitch scarf right away, casting on 25 stitches and knitting as fast as I could. When I got near the end of the first skein, about four or five feet in, I asked her if it was long enough. “Nope!” she replied gleefully. How much longer do you want it? “This much longer!” she exclaimed, holding her little arms out as wide as they could go.

When she finally approved, she wrapped the scarf around herself as many times as it would go. Then she put it over her head and pretended she was a princess. Then she spread it out on the floor and asked me to watch how fast she could run its length. A demanding customer, but every designer should have such an enthusiastic connoisseur of fashion to model her creations.

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6 Comments on “What will it take till you believe in me”

  1. Brandy Says:

    That is absolutely beautiful. I love the colors and the texture. Tell Cady Gray she made a great choice.

  2. Felicia Says:

    That is so lovely and Cady Gray seems like a real charmer! She is the perfect model – and inspiration.

  3. Lisa Says:

    Fantastic colors there, and your model is so chic & stylish!

  4. MAC Says:

    How do I get one?

  5. Debby Luchetti Says:

    Does anybody have one skein of Dreamy Baby Chenille – color Carousel (#114) that they are willing to sell? I am one skien short on a baby blanket and Hobby Lobby has discontinued it. Please write to me – I am broken hearted that my pattern took more yarn than I purchased.

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