Don’t you feel like starting something new?

The end of school means it’s time to reward myself with a new knit. Well, it’s new to me, anyway.

This is the larval stage of the world-famous Clapotis. Everyone and their sister has given away more of these than they remember knitting. But I’ve been looking forward to its dropped stitch, half-wrap half-scarf goodness for half a year.

And here’s my pair of Jaywalkers — another overexposed pattern — nearing completion. The superconcentrated community of knitters on Ravelry frequently gathers to pooh-pooh these so-called “popular patterns,” the ones everybody’s doing. Many members boast that they’ve never knit a Clapotis or a pair of Jaywalkers.  (Or Monkeys or Fetchings.)

But there’s a reason so many people flock to them. You guessed it — it’s their awesomeness. I am enjoying every second of my summer camp with the popular kids. As they used to say on NBC during rerun season: “If you haven’t seen it, it’s new to you!”

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8 Comments on “Don’t you feel like starting something new?”

  1. jenniechris Says:

    I’m about to start a Clapotis! How fun 🙂

  2. Lisa Says:

    Amen, sister. I just knitted some Saartje’s Bootees (over 2,000 projects on Ravelry) and they may be overdone, but every pair is the cat’s pajamas. Cuter than babies, even. Your Jaywalkers are sheer verdant greeny goodness.

  3. knitasaur Says:

    Love the green socks!

  4. Deanna Says:

    I’ve been trying to decide what to knit next. I think it may be time for a clapotis, too.

  5. Well, I’ve never knitted any of those patterns, but I think it’s for reasons other than being too cool for school.

  6. sairy Says:

    oh I love those green jaywalkers! I have to knit these at some point 🙂

  7. Sox Addict Says:

    You are my assassin in Sock Wars, and I have been looking at your site. I have to say that I could not possibly have CHOSEN a more fabulous person to be knit to death by!!! Your work looks gorgeous and because I checked out your blog I am now on the waiting list to join Ravelry. I’ve already got hold of the clapotis and jaywalker patterns and am just waiting to be “dead” so I can start the jaywalkers. I LOVE THE COLOR YOU CHOSE FOR MY SOCKS OF DEATH!!!!! Thank you so much!

  8. […] a bit under halfway done, and my desire to knit it at every waking moment has taken its toll. My Jaywalkers are so close to the toes — and to being done. If I can get them on my feet, my non-Clapotis […]

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